We seek any research papers under the umbrella of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and social science as well. Review and original research papers can range from two to twelve pages with citations and figures included. All citations should be ordered in APA or MLA format and include in-text citations.
Original Research Papers.
The following sections are recommended: abstract, methodology/experimental design, results and data analysis, and discussion.
Narrative and Systemic Review Papers.
The following sections are recommended for both types of review papers: abstract, introduction, content overview (using headings as appropriate), conclusion, and references. For systemic reviews, the research question, methodology, and evaluation sections are recommended.
Add acknowledgements and figures if necessary; attach the figures separate to the text underneath the references.
Submit the papers as a Word.docx or Pages file to shanghaistudentresearchjournal@gmail.com with the email titled LastnameFirstname_PaperTitle.
We will notify you upon receiving the submission. Papers will undergo only one round of editing, if needed.
Should you have any questions, please send a message below.